Thursday, January 29, 2015

Feature and Follow Friday!

Question of the Week: Hard print (real thing) or Kindle/Nook, which is your favorite?

Hard print for sure. I need to have something tangible in my hands when I read!


  1. I love paperbacks, but my Kindle is amazing!! New follower - here's mine!

  2. I agree..:)
    I too love hard print more but I have a balanced shelf. Although I love hardcovers better but still ebooks are more convenient to carry around. :)

    New GFC follower

    My FF

    -Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  3. Oh, see I feel like both the Kindle and the physical can be just as tangible, which is probably why I love them both equally for very different reasons! :)

    New Follower for sure.

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through! :)
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  4. The physical book is actually my favorite too. Great answer!
    New GFC follower.
    Check out my FF


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