Friday, March 22, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things ( see below for Feature and Follow Friday Post)

The small things that happened this week are: 1. It's Spring break on Monday!!!! 2. It's the end of 3rd quarted of Junior Year 3. I got a 100% on a math test!


  1. Yay for Spring break and 100% on tests!

  2. Woohoo! btw, your word verification captcha is on. Tough to get a lot of comments that way.

  3. A hundred percent on a math test is great, so you deserve to have a wonderful Spring Break vacay! I hope you have a terrific time! :-)

  4. Enjoy your spring break and congrats on your math test!

    A Boy Called It is an excellent book. I'm reading one of Jodi Picoult's books now, The Lone Wolf. Very interesting.

    BTW, I'm celebrating having 100 followers with a fantastic giveaway.

  5. Enjoy your spring break! Those are always loads of fun :) And congrats on the math test!

  6. 100% on a maths test? That's awesome!
    Sounds like you have the potential to be a maths whizz!! Or are you already one?!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! :)