Thursday, August 29, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday!

Q: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

Tuesdays with Morrie! It teaches so many life lessons and is so powerful. If I ever needed some life advice, or some mere cheering up, I'd read it. I would see what Morrie told Mitch, then apply that to my own life.


  1. Mine would have to be Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost, it has a bit of everything, wit, action, love, and to be honest is one of my favourite books :))

  2. I know its a classic but I haven't read it - hangs head!

    Here's my Feature & Follow

  3. Ah yes, love that book! I also loved The Five People You Meet in Heaven! I read that book in one day and I absolutely adored it! Great choice!

    Old GFC follower! :)

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  4. I never heard of this book. I have to read it. It sounds wonderful!

    New GFC follower-MY F&F

  5. I read this book back in high school it is amazing, but like the fault in our stars, it is also very sad. I don't know if I could keep a sad book around for the rest of my life, but I definitely can see why you picked it!

    Old follower!

    Here's my FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  6. Great choice! I'm a huge Mitch Albom fan!! I loved the 5 People you Meet in Heaven - I think that had so many lessons as well. Same with The Time Keeper. Dang, I should have picked one of these for my FF :)

    My FF

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via GFC!

  7. Wow, I don't know how you only picked one book. I'd never manage. It's like trying to pick your favorite child. :-)

  8. I've never read this book. Always been curious about it but other things have just pulled my attention away.

    New follower through GFC.

    Check out my FF at

  9. I've actually never read that one!

    Old follower


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